
Deuteronomy 3:1-6 (3/14/19)


March 14, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* It was time for the Israelites to finally take the Promised Land.
* God had to encourage them first. Why? vs 11 - Og was a monster!
* We don’t fight FOR victory, we fight FROM it.
* The land was already theirs, but they had to go out and get it.
* They had to walk in authority, and when they did they would have what God wanted them to have.
* But it was their choice.
* They originally backed out of the fight 38 years prior because they believed they had to fight FOR victory.
* Seeing it that way meant they could never win because the giants were too big.
* Testimony - when we first got fired from HGTV and we went on all the interviews…
* The first few were so hard because I was nervous and not walking in authority.