
2 Chronicles 18:18-22 (6/30/16)

National Disaster

June 30, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Jehoshaphat was king of Judah - he was a good king but he continually sought alliances he shouldn’t have sought.
• Here he was aligning with wicked king Ahab of Israel.
• They sought the advice of a prophet on whether or not they should go into battle.
• vs 18-22: Israel had rejected God by departing from Him and He was going to deal with them.
• But how?
• He was going to allow Israel’s leaders to believe a lie - He would allow them to be deceived and follow the stubbornness of their own hearts.
• The only way this could happen, however, was if the spiritual leaders of the day believed a lie and preached it.
• So watch the pattern:
• 1) The Israelites left God in their hearts.
• 2) God allowed an evil spirit to deceive His spokespeople, the prophets.
• 3) God’s prophets believed a lie and then started preaching it.
• 4) The governing leaders believed the lie and started doing it.
• Look at today - our governing leaders are making stupid decisions and it is the result of spiritual leaders first believing a lie.
• The only answer is repentance - we need it now more than ever.