
1 Chronicles 14:2 (7/17/14)

Sweet Spot

July 17, 2014 • Benham Brothers

David realized God had made him king.
It's one thing to want to do great things for God, it's another thing to realize that wherever God has placed you is for a specific reason.
Replace your name in this verse - "And Jason realized that God had established me as owner of BREG for the sake of those who would join our company and to bring God glory!"
The secret to thinking like this is CONTENTMENT.
Contentment is recognizing that wherever God has placed you and whatever God has given you to do is for His glory.
We think our "sweet spot" is a destination, but it's actually a state of being.
So wherever you are make your spot sweet with contentment.
vs 14:1 - David was able to think like this because he saw himself as simply a tool in the hand of God.
How you see yourself determines how you conduct yourself.
1 Chronicles 14:3 - When God blessed David he began to accumulate power and influence and wealth, etc.

All of this came from God.
The problem with accumulation is that it often unlocks our ambition.
Then it becomes cyclical - ambition causes us to accumulate more, and the more we accumulate the more ambitious we get.
Even worse, we begin to accumulate in areas where we ought not to.
We need to only let God accumulate for us - to let Him cause our growth, not ourselves.
We need to replace our craving with contentment.
It starts by recognizing the source of our accumulation - is it God Who's bringing it or is it us who's taking it?
Christopher Columbus learned the hard way - he started off on the right foot but couldn't control his ambition.
Ambition is meant to be fueled by God and not by accumulation.