
1 Timothy 3:10 (10/19/22)

A Fool-Proof Test

October 19, 2022 • Benham Brothers • 1 Timothy 3:10

* Every year the NFL holds a combine where they test players’ skills and abilities.
* They want players in whom they can build a winning team.
* Paul is giving advice to Timothy on who to bring on the leadership team in the church.
* 1 Timothy 3 gives all sorts of qualifications (we did a study on it - Leadership 101).
* Vs 10 - “They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.”
* Put them in the combine before you put them on the team.
* Do you know the best way to test someone?
* Give them a menial task and tell them to do it consistently - see how they respond.
* Faithful in the little = Faithful in the big.
* Two applications:
* Building your team / friendships.
* Living your life - are you being faithful in the little?