
2 Corinthians 2:10-11 (9/5/19)


September 5, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Satan’s primary target is relationships - he did it with Eve and with Jesus.
* He knows if two or more are gathered in Christ’s name they make up the church.
* He can’t defeat the church.
* In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church he told them to kick a man out for sexual perversion.
* vs 10 - Now, he’s telling them to let him back in (probably because of his repentance).
* vs 11 - Paul tells them that by doing this they avoid Satan’s scheme, which is to tear relationships apart.
* EX: Allie and Tori.
* Her desire was to distance from her mom, but that would be playing into Satan’s hand.
* Sometimes distance is good, and certainly healthy boundaries must be in place.
* But avoidance is not healthy, so we have to fight against it.
* Staying close to others will result in CHURCH - and Satan can’t defeat it.