
1 Timothy 2:1-2 (10/18/18)

Political Prayers

October 18, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* When Paul tells Timothy to pray for all people, he specifically mentions governing leaders.
* He tells us to be mentally and spiritually engaged in upholding political leaders in prayer.
* Why?
* So that we can all live quiet and peaceful lives.
* Governing leaders are in the business of creating and sustaining the environment in which we exist as a society.
* They create laws, and those laws should be based upon God’s laws.
* If they are then we get freedom. If not then we get bondage.
* Think “America vs North Korea.”
* When we pray our heart will gravitate toward who and what we pray about.
* We’ll be rightly concerned about the course of our nations.
* This is also why pastors should be authorities on the “issues of the day.”
* So they can equip their people on how to live faithfully in the midst of their particular culture.