
2 Corinthians 2:12-13 (9/5/19)

The Power of Priorities

September 4, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* In 1 Corinthians 1:17 Paul knew what he was called to do - evangelize, not baptize.
* This became a boundary for him.
* Without boundaries, opportunities become threats.
* vs 12 - Now, we see him finding an open door (opportunity) to do what he was called to do.
* How did he know he should go through that door?
* Because he knew his calling - he had a vision for his life and he prioritized accordingly.
* vs 13 - Here’s the key - even though the door was open for his vocational calling, he didn’t go through it because Titus wasn’t there!
* Paul elevated relationship over work, prioritizing his personal ministry over his vocational ministry.
* He put people over his platform.
* He chose what was profitable over what was productive.
* Productive things are about tasks and move you toward your short-term goals.
* Profitable things are about people and move you toward your long-term goals.
* Priorities line up what’s productive with what’s profitable.
* How do you know you should leave what you’re doing for relationship?
* When you cannot relax or find peace in that place without them.
* If that’s what you’re feeling, leave!
* EX: Moses wouldn’t go into the Promised Land without the presence of God.