
1 Timothy 4 / 2 Timothy 2 (10/22/15)

Instructions for Young People

October 22, 2015 • Benham Brothers

• 1 Tim 4:12-16 Two ages - physical age & spiritual age.
• Timothy was to set an example in these five areas:
• 1) Speech - what’s in your heart comes out of your mouth.
• 2) Conduct - how you see yourself determines how you conduct yourself.
• 3) Love - if you love God you’ll love people - two greatest commandments and commitments.
• 4) Faith - operate out of faith in God not fear of man.
• 5) Purity - the pure in heart see God - spiritual power and sensual pleasure go hand-in-hand.
• 2 Tim 2:3-6 - three types of people we’re to be like:
• 1) Soldier - know you’re in a battle, protect the weak, doesn’t want a fight but won’t back down from one, willing to suffer, doesn’t meddle in needless fights.
• 2) Athlete - play by the rules (God’s Word) and plays to win.
• 3) Farmer - he’s faithful in little even when nobody is watching, he concerns himself with his duty and trusts God for the results.
• In 2 Tim 4:7 Paul says he’s fought the good fight (soldier), finished the race (athlete), kept the faith (farmer).