
Gen 1 (1/2/14)

Creation Process

January 2, 2014 • Benham Brothers

1) God - it all begins with Him
2) Creation - God created something
3) Illumination - God had to "light up" the darkness. Darkness came first, then light. It's the same in nature - night always comes before day - it's the announcement that day is coming.
4) Separation - what He created was "all mixed into one," so He separated it
5) Governance - God gave us light "fixtures" by which we could govern our actions - so we would know when day was coming and going. In the NT we see that "we" are God's light fixtures to help govern this world!
6) Order - He brought order to things before He created life (just like man was not "made," he was "formed" - there was order to man's creation, a process where God formed him like a potter forms a vessel. God made all the animals at once, but he brought about people gradually. We gradually populated the earth, the same way the Jews gradually took over the Promised Land.
7) Dominion - the first reason God created man was so that he could rule, have dominion
8) Rest - Gen 2:1 - after God did all these things, completing His work, He rested!