
Hearing God

October 8, 2023 • David McQueen • John 10:1–11

More is found as we hear and follow God’s voice (John 10:1-10). Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and each of us as His followers – as His sheep – can and should know His voice. Hearing the voice of God, however, is not automatic; it is something we must learn and grow in. The primary way God speaks to all people throughout history is through the Bible. It is not merely a book to be read, but it is God’s voice to be heard. Every other means of hearing God is filtered, tested, and discerned through the Bible. Another important way God speaks is through impressions, which is a thought or idea that comes from Him. All impressions should be consistent with the Bible and generally provide specific guidance on how to fulfill a Biblical command or principle. Often impressions are contrary to how we normally think and require us to rely on God for strength and courage. Impressions from God also lead us to love Him and others more. In whatever way we hear God, it is not enough to simply affirm that He speaks. We must desire to hear His voice and position ourselves to receive what He wants to say.

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