The second sermon within the Overcoming Discouragement series, Pastor David McQueen shares encouragement by knowing Hell is Defeated! During Jesus’ ministry, He spoke on hell at least 33 times. We know that because of sin, every human is destined for hell, a forever place of torment where people pay for their sins apart from God. But John 3:16 tells us that God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish (spend eternity in hell) but have eternal life. Jesus paid the price for sin; He went into the grave – the same grave that would forever separate every human from God – and He rose victorious!! And now, every human, no matter what they have done can be forgiven, restored, and freed from hell by surrendering their life to be a follower of Jesus!!

Hell is Defeated
August 11, 2024 • David McQueen • John 3:16
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Overcoming Discouragement