
From Starting to Staying

July 23, 2023 • Jake Mills • Haggai 2:3–5, Haggai 1:13–14, Galatians 6:9, Ephesians 1:19–20

Week 2 of the Sermon Series: Step by Step covers the importance of perseverance and staying the course, rather than just starting strong. Staying focused and consistent is crucial in various aspects of life, such as faith, marriage, and parenting. Jake Mills references the book of Haggai in the Bible, where God calls the people to rebuild the temple. As they begin to build, they also begin to compare their start to another’s finish, and become discouraged and give up. The quickest way to destroy something is to compare it to something else. Another discouragement that’s mentioned is small beginnings, thinking you’re taking two steps forward and then three steps backwards. Because of critical comparisons and small beginnings, they were discouraged. Hear how God responds and encourages them to move forward, by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit within believers to be strong and do the work, brick by brick, to achieve their goals and glorify God.

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