February 22, 2023 • Pastor Seth Drewry • Psalm 32, Joel 2, Isaiah 58
Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting, prayer, and repentance that marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Stream this service to join in on the worship, scripture reading, and prayers that begin our journey toward the Easter holiday.
The sermon begins around the 25 minute mark. In his message, "How To Make Lent A Fruitful Season" Pastor Seth encourages us to draw close to God through prayer, repentance, generosity, and time spent in reading God's Word.
Ultimately, the goal of Lent is to remind us all of our need for God's grace and to encourage us to draw closer to God in all aspects of our lives.
Good Friday @ Believers Fellowship
April 7, 2023
Believers Fellowship invites you to our annual Good Friday worship service on April 7th, 2023, at 7 pm. This is a favorite service of the year where we come together to remember the incredible sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross.
Join us for an evening of worship and reflection as we observe Holy Week and the Easter Holiday through seasonal music and a biblical message on the meaning of the crucifixion from our very own Pastor Seth Drewry.
As we remember the ultimate act of love that Christ displayed for us on the cross, we will also share in observing the Lord's Supper together. This is a special time to come together as a community of believers and experience the deep significance of the sacrifice that Christ made for us.
For more info: http://www.bfchurch.tv
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Join Us This Sunday For Easter! Worship at 10:30am!