
Christmas at Believers


December 17, 2017 • Pastor Mark Kent

Christmas is about God almighty leaving heaven to come to earth in order to be in relationship with us. When God came, he formed a small community of people with whom he would work to change the world. So, at Christmas, God broke Himself down into a "more manageable" size that we could relate with. Believers too, is all about relationships with a focus on growing smaller as we grow bigger.

For Everyone

December 10, 2017 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

When Jesus was born he revealed Himself not just to the Jewish religious group, but to the entire world. The Shepherds came, the wise men came. As Jesus lived he regularly violated cultural norms to show that He, and the Gospel, were for EVERYONE. As a church, we exist to bring ALL people together to create a diverse community of worshippers.


December 3, 2017 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

The primary push around Christmas is the giving of gifts. It's become this time of excess. But what if the roots behind that were actually in the biblical story? God GAVE His son, the most extravagant gift ever given. He modeled being generous. As a church, our desire is to be a church on the give. We exist to give to and serve the needs of our community in order to point them to Jesus. The reason why is because that's what God did for us!