
The Jesus Dilemma

April 1, 2018 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

There's nothing better to talk about on EAster Sunday thatn the empty tomb! The question of who Jesus is has been asked for centuries. Through this message we will dig into the answer.

The Truth Dilemma

May 6, 2018 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

Skeptics believe it is the greatest expression of elitism to claim that Jesus is the only way to have a relationship with God. All truth is relative, is the claim and many even believe that all religions are basically the same. Is there really absolute truth? We'll find out as we work through this message.

The Dilemma of Hypocrisy

April 29, 2018 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

The history of the church is littered with wars and failures. Many skeptics will point to the crusades and the witch hunts as proof that the church is corrupt and irrelevant. But, people who do bad things in the name of a religion is not the same as what a religion teaches. Pointing to bad examples of followers of Christianity doesn't invalidate the teaching of Christianity, in some ways it reinforces the teachings as imperative. The church has often gotten it wrong. But when done right, there's nothing quite like it!

The Dilemma of Evil & Suffering

April 22, 2018 • Pastor Doug Vance

Skeptics believe that all of the pain and suffering in the world make the existence of a loving God impossible. Christianity tells a different story. The fact that we are aware of injustice, reveals that we are aware of right and wrong and good and bad. Where does that awareness come from except the force of God in our hearts and minds.