
Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

Full Service

June 19, 2016 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

The opening message to this series will focus on self-leadership, the most difficult type of leadership. We'll compare our daily self-leadership to that of a race car driver; we need to have incredible discipline and be in good physical and mental condition if we are going to win.

Winning on the Track

July 3, 2016 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

Winning on the track takes tremendous discipline and focus. Slight impulses can lead to terrible crashes. Consistency and focus can lead to victory. This message will warn men to not wreck their lives for temporary wins and instead keeping the eyes on the prize of victory!

Winning on the Track (Message)

July 3, 2016 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

Winning on the track takes tremendous discipline and focus. Slight impulses can lead to terrible crashes. Consistency and focus can lead to victory. This message will warn men to not wreck their lives for temporary wins and instead keeping the eyes on the prize of victory!

Winning the Pits

June 26, 2016 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

If a driver is going to win a race, he needs to occasionally take a pit stop. This stop is for making adjustments, tuning up and getting tires and refueling. Likewise, a man has to take time outs to get refueled and tune-up. This can happen through accountability groups, personal fueling, down time (rest/sabbatical), and even counseling from time-to-time.