
Jesus Our Joy

Week 2

December 3, 2023 • Jonny Marks • Luke 1:39–56

When was the last time you leaped for joy? I mean, like, two fist pumps in the air and a jump-up and shout-for-joy moment? I think we would attach this idea to winning the lottery, the birth of a child, or the double overtime win of a football game. However, that kind of joy is fleeting and takes a circumstance that is just right.

The joy John experienced in the womb, the joy Elizabeth felt, and the joy the Apostle Paul, King David, and others talked about comes from being in the presence of God and being taken hold of by the grace, salvation, and mercy that comes with knowing Him.

The joy we can have and celebrate Christmas with, the joy we anticipate having in heaven, and the joy we are supposed to experience as believers is not attached to the “just right” circumstance or a “win” in the world. It’s the thing that holds us and grounds us even when the world is upside down. The joy of knowing Jesus can take us through unimaginable difficulty and pain and lead us to sing and write songs about a mighty, merciful, and gracious God who loves us and is faithful always, no matter what.


Reflect on a time when you experienced joy from the presence of God. What was happening in your life, who was present, and what was the lasting effect of that?

If you wrote a song about God’s faithfulness, what would you sing about?

What part does humility play in our experience of joy?


God, you are worthy to sing about because you have faithfully loved me through everything. My life hasn’t always been easy and I haven’t always understood how you work, but I’m humbled at your grace, mercy, and might. Restore to me the joy of my salvation and allow me to leap for joy in your presence. Amen.

Written by Jonny Marks