
1 Peter: Who's The Boss?

March 12, 2023 • Aaron Hixson • 1 Peter 2:13–24

Last week, Peter's message to his friends was that they needed to be "So Good they can't ignore Jesus." This week, we'll dive into how that principle plays out when your GOVERNMENT or your BOSS is antagonistic to your faith. To be honest, I'm not sure there's much in the Bible more offensive to our modern way of thinking than what Peter has to say: so join me as we all work to align our hearts and minds with what the Scriptures say about submitting to (every) authority.

More from 1 Peter

1 Peter: It's Worse Than You Thought!

May 7, 2023 • Greg St. Cyr • 1 Peter 5:6–14

Life can be hard. Unexpected things happen that are like a gut punch. Sometimes we are victims of injustice, or friends turn on us, or health issues disillusion us. Other times we are rejected and ridiculed for being a Christ-follower. Things can get so bad that we think, “It can’t get any worse!” Peter gets us. He writes to believers that are being persecuted, rejected, and reviled for loving Jesus. And just when they thought things couldn’t get any worse, Peter says, “Well, it actually does…But no worries. God has the last word!” Join us this Sunday as we wrap up our study on 1 Peter and learn how to have victory over the “roaring lion.”

1 Peter: Tie the Apron!

April 30, 2023 • Greg St. Cyr • 1 Peter 5:1–7

In college I worked in a machine shop. The first thing I did before starting work was to tie a thick apron around myself. With the apron secured, I was ready for the tasks ahead. There is an apron you and I are called to wear every day. It enables us to handle any task. This apron is the key to leadership. It is the key to relationships. It is the key to unity and submission. And it is the key to experiencing God’s grace, blessing, and care.

1 Peter: Better Together

April 23, 2023 • Greg St. Cyr • 1 Peter 4:7–11

Life has a way of turning on us. Things can be going great then suddenly the diagnosis is not good, or the marriage goes south, or the income stream dries up. Why is it that during such times some people soar in their relationship with the Lord, while others tank? In this passage, Peter gives very practical teaching to believers who are going through suffering and persecution. What he says is a game-changer.