Final Week
Part 2: Doctrine
Part 1: History.
Chapter 1: The Kingdom of the Cults Chapter 2: Scaling the Language Barrier Chapter 3: The Psychological Structure of Cultism
Chapter 15: "Fundamental Transformation," Marx's Enduring Specter
Chapter 5: "We Do Not Believe in God," Lenin's Necrophilia
Chapter 3: "Governed by a Demon?" Marx's Miseries
Chapter 2: "My Soul Is Chosen for Hell," Marx's Verse
Chapter 1: "A Specter is Haunting Europe," The Unclean Spirit of Communism
Forward & Preface: "The Dance of Death," The Communist Killing Machine
Chapter 8: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Chapter 9: Strangers In This Strange New World
Chapter 7: The Sexual Revolution of the LGBTQ+