
May Open House - Issues of the Heart

May 16, 2022 • Christopher Cook • Psalm 51:10

Christopher Cook believes people should be able to live successful, meaningful lives, far above the status quo of “just getting by.” Put simply, he believes people should be able to win today.

He exercises this belief as a leadership coach and business consultant to both Fortune 1000 and non-profit organizations. Additionally, he is the host of “Win Today with Christopher Cook,” a weekly podcast all about mental health, emotional health, and spiritual growth, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, iHeartRadio, and most other outlets.

Through his work at WINTODAY.tv and as a featured writer for SUCCESS Magazine, he serves as a guide to wellness-minded men and women who are eager to confidently design their roadmap to wholeness so that they show up each day fully-alive in their true identity.

November Open House

November 14, 2022

Swimming in the mystery: What does it mean to go deep in our faith? Cory Hendrickson, Discipleship Director, Kensington Church - Troy Campus

October Open House Live Stream

October 17, 2022 • Philip Monnin

Sanity in an insane world.

September Open House

September 19, 2022 • Dave Halsey • Colossians 3:13

We have a very special Open House coming up on Monday, September 19th! You won't want to miss this one! Our very own Dave Halsey (and newly minted pastor we might add) will be taking us on a very personal journey of forgiveness. Why is it so hard for us guys to admit when we are wrong, and communicate it in a way that is received the right way without a condition or excuse? And http://forgiveness...how easily do we ask for it or offer it? Hmmm. Dave is going to demonstrate that proper Apology and Forgiveness is not only Biblical, it is the only way to restore a wounded relationship (and we all have them). Dave will share his story, how God entered it, and how this all applies to your story. Assumptions of control and personal goodness will be challenged and practical steps offered on how we can restore relationships and keep them healthy. Join us for some food and authentic community!