
Thy Kingdom Come - TMF Eschatology Conference

November 9, 2024


Join us Saturday, November 9th for this FREE event.

Speakers will be Michael Vlach, Harry Walls, Matt Waymeyer and Jesse Johnson.

There will also be breakout sessions taught by The Masters Fellowship regional pastors.

While this is a FREE event, donations to help defray the costs are accepted.

Jesse Johnson leads the Washington, D.C. location of The Master’s Seminary and is the pastor-teacher of Immanuel Bible Church in Northern Virginia. Jesse is the author of City of Man, Kingdom of God: Why Christians Respect, Obey, and Resist Government. He also serves as a writer at The Cripplegate blog. Jesse is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary (ThM). He and his wife Deidre have three daughters. 

Harry Walls is the President of The Master’s Fellowship and served as the senior pastor of Shades Mountain Independent Church in Birmingham, Alabama before becoming the campus pastor at The Master’s University. Harry was honored with a Doctorate of Divinity degree from The Master's Seminary in 2021and he currently serves as the executive pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Brentwood Tennessee. Harry and his wife, Karon, have two children.


Michael Vlach is the Professor of Theology at Shepherds Theological Seminary and taught at The Master’s Seminary for fifteen years where he also served as Professor of Theology. Dr. Vlach has a Master of Divinity degree from The Master’s Seminary, and a PhD in Systematic Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is most known for his books, Has the Church Replaced Israel: A Theological Evaluation (B&H), and He Will Reign Forever: A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God (Lampion). In 2008, Dr. Vlach was awarded the 2008 Franz Delitzsch Prize for his dissertation, “The Church as a Replacement of Israel: An Analysis of Supersessionism.”


Matt Waymeyer, serves on the pastoral staff at Grace Immanuel Bible Church and on the faculty of The Expositors Seminary. After graduating from The Master’s Seminary he became the pastor of Community Bible Church in Vista, California and was a professor of New Testament and Bible Exposition at TMS. He completed his PhD in Systematic Theology at TMS before joining the faculty of TES in the summer of 2015. He is the author of Revelation 20 and the Millennial Debate and Amillennialism and the Age to Come: A Premillennial Critique of the Two-Age Model. He and his wife, Julie, have five children.