
2023 Highlight Reel

Popular Messages of 2023

Despair or Delight?

May 10, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Psalm 13

As creatures of time, the clock never moves more slowly than when we are in pain. In troubles we pray for immediate help and releif. But often God delays. Today Dr. John echoes David's prayer, "How long?" Walk through this Psalm and discover David's secret to hope and perseverance.  Good things are repeated. When it comes to sunsets, birthdays, and smiles, one is not enough. This series of messages are highlighted from past broadcasts and are worth our attention again. Listen as Dr. John addresses the person of Jesus Christ, the gift of the Church, personal questions and struggles we all wrestle with. The truth bears repeating. 

Even in Desperation, Trust

May 9, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • James 1:13, Exodus 17

Israel's wilderness journey was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. The repeated evidences of God's care were peaks, impossible to deny. But the complaints and grumblings were lowpoints of trust. Today Dr. John teaches of a thirsty nation turning against Moses and challenging God Himself. They dared God and tested Him out of anger and doubt. By grace, God reveals Himself mighty and merciful, but He need never prove Himself to any man.

One Church for One World

May 8, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 16:13–18

In today's message, Dr. John teaches that since the Church is the Body of Christ, it is the visible representation of Jesus on earth. Therefore, the Church has a physical presence with a street address and a presence in heaven as well. Dr. John teaches on the invisible, universal Church which is one in Christ, holy through the Spirit, inclusive of all who have faith in Jesus and commissioned with purpose by the Father.  Good things are repeated. When it comes to sunsets, birthdays, and smiles, one is not enough. This series of messages are highlighted from past broadcasts and are worth our attention again. Listen as Dr. John addresses the person of Jesus Christ, the gift of the Church, personal questions and struggles we all wrestle with. The truth bears repeating. 

Will I Fall Away?

May 7, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 26:30–35

We can trip over a curb or broken pavement in the sidewalk. We may fall but then rise to continue our journey. In today's message, Dr. John echoes Jesus' words to the disciples. "You all will fall." They all protested, but every one of them fell. Of the 12, eleven repented and rose to continue their journey of faith. We are foolish to think we can predict our response to a crisis of faith. We lean closely upon the grace of our Lord.  Good things are repeated. When it comes to sunsets, birthdays, and smiles, one is not enough. This series of messages are highlighted from past broadcasts and are worth our attention again. Listen as Dr. John addresses the person of Jesus Christ, the gift of the Church, personal questions and struggles we all wrestle with. The truth bears repeating. 

Jesus, God and Saviour

May 6, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Hebrews 1:10–14

At times, we speak of the deity of Jesus as a way to make a point. We bear witness to others that Jesus is God, so we point to the Scriptures. Dr. John reminds us today from Hebrews that the deity of Jesus is more than an apologetic. It is the hope and comfort for us all in the midst of trial and persecutions.  Good things are repeated. When it comes to sunsets, birthdays, and smiles, one is not enough. This series of messages are highlighted from past broadcasts and are worth our attention again. Listen as Dr. John addresses the person of Jesus Christ, the gift of the Church, personal questions and struggles we all wrestle with. The truth bears repeating.