
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Mathew Vol 9 (Ch. 26-28)

The Great Commission

April 14, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 28:16–20

If final words carry weight, then the Great Commission ought to resound in the heart and mind of every believer and every church. Dr. John preaches today on the final instruction Jesus gave to all of us. This command gives shape and direction for Christ followers, until He returns. In this series of messages, Dr. John points us to the Gospel of Matthew for the account of Jesus' final days. We hear from an eyewitness, a martyr of Jesus. Matthew bears witness to the words, actions and significance of Jesus' death and resurrection. Listen afresh to a story you already know - then we too are to bear witness. We are to be living martyrs, daily witnesses of the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Aftermath of the Resurrection

April 13, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 28:11–15, 1 Corinthians 15

We live in a day when truth and lies can be hard to discern. Fake news and assertions without evidence run rampant in a society feeding off mass media. Dr. John points to the same issues from Matthew 28. Conspiracies, lies and bribes were used to spread mis-information about the resurrection. But like light over darkness, truth over lies, and life over death - Jesus prevails.

The First Eyewitnesses

April 12, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 28:5–10

In any event, be it tragedy or celebration, witnesses are looked to for information. They offer insight and credibility from their first hand experience. The same is true with Jesus' Resurrection. Today Dr. John will walk us through those first witnesses of the empty tomb. Their testimony and consistent witness are a chorus of confidence for us all.

The Resurrection of Jesus

April 11, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 28:1–4

We expect actions to back up words. Whatever promises are made, if deeds do not back them up, all credibility is lost. In today's message Dr. John reminds us that the resurrection of Jesus is proof of His Words. While the empty tomb proclaims power and glory, it is also certainty that Jesus is who he claims to be and will do what He promises.

The Tomb of Jesus

April 10, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 27:62–66

There are sureties in life. The pull of gravity. The passing of time. The finality of death. But God and His purposes are the greatest surety of all. In today's message Dr. John speaks of guards set in place to keep Jesus in the tomb. The Roman sentries were assurance against any theft of Jesus' body. They were useless to stop Jesus from walking out on His own.  In this series of messages, Dr. John points us to the Gospel of Matthew for the account of Jesus' final days. We hear from an eyewitness, a martyr of Jesus. Matthew bears witness to the words, actions and significance of Jesus' death and resurrection. Listen afresh to a story you already know - then we too are to bear witness. We are to be living martyrs, daily witnesses of the good news of Jesus Christ. 

The Burial of Jesus

April 7, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 27:54–61

We often skip over the burial of Jesus. We focus on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. But the burial of our Lord is part of the Gospel story. In this message Dr. John points to those who participated in His burial. A secret believer from the Sanhedrin. A religious leader who sought out Jesus. Women who followed Jesus and prepared His body for burial. Each demonstrated a faith, loyalty and courage - all the way to Jesus' grave. In this series of messages, Dr. John points us to the Gospel of Matthew for the account of Jesus' final days. We hear from an eyewitness, a martyr of Jesus. Matthew bears witness to the words, actions and significance of Jesus' death and resurrection. Listen afresh to a story you already know - then we too are to bear witness. We are to be living martyrs, daily witnesses of the good news of Jesus Christ. 

The Death of Jesus

April 6, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 27:45–53

Death is a common experience. We each will face our own demise and probably have experienced the loss of a loved one. Death is our experience, but not God's. How does Life die? Today Dr. John will speak of the death of Jesus - a death He did not deserve and a death He would never experience - unless He willingly surrendered to it. His life was not taken, but given.

The Crucifixion

April 5, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 27:32–44

Clearly the focus of Scripture is on Jesus during His crucufixion. Yet Matthew expands the spot light. Today Dr. John will echo Matthew's focus on 5 other groups that surround Jesus on the cross. It is indicative that while Jesus is central, His death affects us all.

The Humiliation of Jesus

April 4, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 27:24–31

Humiliation is the process of degrading the worth of an individual. By words and actions the person is belittled and mocked. Dr. John reminds us of the humiliation Jesus endured at His trial, condemnation and crucifixion. He who is of the greatest worth, willingly surrenders to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual degradation of sinful man. Sin was the cause and defeating sin was His purpose.

The Condemnation of Jesus

April 3, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 27:11–23

To be in a posiiton of influence for good is a great responsibility. Pilate failed that responsibility. In today's message Dr. John examines Pilate and the role he played in the condemnation of Jesus. We note that Pilate had opportunity to do what is right, but failed because of personal fears and ambition. He deflected his responsibility and justice was failed. In this series of messages, Dr. John points us to the Gospel of Matthew for the account of Jesus' final days. We hear from an eyewitness, a martyr of Jesus. Matthew bears witness to the words, actions and significance of Jesus' death and resurrection. Listen afresh to a story you already know - then we too are to bear witness. We are to be living martyrs, daily witnesses of the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Sad End of Judas Iscariot

March 31, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 27:3–10

The death of Judas was an expression of despair. He was a man consumed by greed, then guilt, then hopelessness. In today's message, Dr. John speaks of the suicide of Judas. It was not an inevitable ending. As long as there is breath, redemption is possible. Judas denied that hope. In this series of messages, Dr. John points us to the Gospel of Matthew for the account of Jesus' final days. We hear from an eyewitness, a martyr of Jesus. Matthew bears witness to the words, actions and significance of Jesus' death and resurrection. Listen afresh to a story you already know - then we too are to bear witness. We are to be living martyrs, daily witnesses of the good news of Jesus Christ.

Denying Jesus Before Men

March 30, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 26:69—27:2

Peter's darkest moment is recorded for all to read. Untold numbers have heard the account of Peter's denial. Today Dr. John walks us through the three denials of Peter. We note the ways that one lie can lead to another. While Peter's weakness is exposed, we also note that this is not the end of the story.

The Trial and Condemnation of Jesus

March 29, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 26:57–68

We expect trials to be forums for justice. When the rules are followed, clear evidence given and unbiased judges oversee, we expect a fair result. In today's message, Dr. John demonstrates that the trial of Jesus lacked all of these things. Justice would not come from this corrupt court. In history's greatest irony, the innocent condemned would be the means of God's justice for all.

The Scriptures Must Be Fulfilled

March 28, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 26:47–56

In Matthew's account of the arrest of Jesus, it is clear that the disciples are surprised by the events and react to it. Not so Jesus. Dr. John demonstrates that Jesus was responding, not reacting. He knew that the Scriptures had to be fulfilled. The Word of God grants confidence and hope, even in the worst crisis.

Watch and Pray

March 27, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 26:36–46

If you knew you were to die in a matter of hours, what would you do? Practical or relational matters might occupy your attention. For Jesus, His preparation was prayer. Listen as Dr. John teaches on the prayer of Gethsemane. We are taught by His example and cautioned by His words. We too need to pray, for our spirit may be willing but the flesh is weak. In this series of messages, Dr. John points us to the Gospel of Matthew for the account of Jesus' final days. We hear from an eyewitness, a martyr of Jesus. Matthew bears witness to the words, actions and significance of Jesus' death and resurrection. Listen afresh to a story you already know - then we too are to bear witness. We are to be living martyrs, daily witnesses of the good news of Jesus Christ.