
Jesus and the Twelve

Jesus, Unexpected Encounters

May 24, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Luke 9:1–9

It is one thing to enjoy a piano concert from a virtuoso. It's quite another to be invited to the keyboard and asked to play along with him. That's what Jesus does for His disciples. Dr. John teaches on their apprenticeship to do the very things they saw Jesus doing. Jesus has power to work His will through them - through us as well.

We think we know people. We put them into boxes of our expectations and then treat them accordingly. Jesus is different. He responded not to stereotypes, but to people. He reached out to those who were on the periphery of cultural acceptance. In this series from Luke 7-9, Dr. John will show how Jesus dispensed with cultural walls. He came to save sinners regardless of who they were. That includes us.