
The Rule of Rest

The Priceless Treasure of Jesus

July 4, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Hebrews 4:1–5

Rest can mean many things. A nap. Retirement. Silence. What does it mean for a beleiver? Dr. John teaches on the promise of rest from Hebrews 4. We'll find that rest for beleivers is a sharing of God's rest. It is the fruit of faith.

Holding Fast and Drawing Near

July 7, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Hebrews 4:14–16

The life of faith that every beleiver walks, is not easy. Jesus told us that we would have troubles in this world. Today Dr. John reminds us from Hebrews that we must hold on. Jesus is the power of our perseverence. He is the High Priest who understands our need and extends both mercy and grace.  Jesus once told a story about finding a treasure in a field and then selling everything you have to buy that field. The story applies to Christ. Jesus is the supreme treasure, worthy of our full sacrifice. That conviction can be tested in difficult times. The Book of Hebrews is written to those under societal pressure, who are tempted to turn from the truth to their old ways. Listen as Dr. John teaches from the first four chapters of Hebrews, pointing to the incomparable worth of Jesus. He is the ultimate treasure.

God's Rest and His Word

July 6, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Hebrews 4:12–13

In a text that is familiar to many, Dr. John presents the power and effect of the Scriptures. The Bible we read, is alive as the Voice of God, accomplishing His purpose, shaping and exposing the souls of all who read it. As we listen and obey His Word in faith, we enter into His rest.

Discovering Rest

July 5, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Hebrews 4:6–11

A workaholic may intend to take a day off or to enjoy some respite, but often rest eludes them. They never get around to it. Dr. John reminds us that there is rest for the believer - a rest in the completed work of Jesus. We are cautioned to not harden our hearts but to strive to enter into the rest God has for us.