
One Church for One World

The Church

February 21, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Matthew 16:13–18

In today's message, Dr. John teaches that since the Church is the Body of Christ, it is the visible representation of Jesus on earth. Therefore, the Church has a physical presence with a street address and a presence in heaven as well. Dr. John teaches on the invisible, universal Church which is one in Christ, holy through the Spirit, inclusive of all who have faith in Jesus and commissioned with purpose by the Father. 

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The Failure and Promise of the Local Church

March 3, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Revelation 2—3

Every church has problems, failures, ommisons and offences. Every congregaiton is made up of sinners. Every church leader suffers the vulnerbilities of humanity. None of this denies the truth that the church is Jesus' Bride. She is not always pretty, but she is always the Bride. Today Dr. John looks at the frailties of church. He reminds us what is commended by Jesus and what needs to change. The good news is that change is possible. Jesus is preparing His Bride for heaven.  The global pandemic had impact in countless ways. One obvious consequence for the Church was the number of believers who got comfortable with privatized faith. They went to church in their living rooms and are content to stay even after the doors of churches are open again! So is going to church optional? Do we need to connect with a local congregation? In this two-week series, Dr. John teaches on the priority and functions of the Church. He will demonstrate why the Church remains God's priority for His mission on earth. 

More Means of Grace

March 2, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Hebrews 10:24–25

If the grace of God came in a box and was available for purchase on store shelves, the shelves would need to be re-stocked continually. We need grace. We want grace. Today Dr. John reminds us that the church is a place of grace. He highlights the means of grace through mutilple expressions of the local church. A local church is a storehouse of God's grace , open and available to all who seek Jesus. 

The Grace of Fellowship

March 1, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • John 15:12

The idea of church fellowship has been reduced to potlucks and foyer greetings. But Biblical fellowship is more than friendliness. Today Dr. John spekas of the grace extended in the church through fellowship. He highlights the qualitites of fellowhip that every congregation needs. While grateful for tea and cookies, Biblical fellowship feeds our souls.