
Jesus, Our High Priest

Jesus, Our High Priest

March 4, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Hebrews 5:1–3

If a priest acts before God on behalf of the people, who acts on behalf of the priest? Every human priest is sinful and fallible. By the mercy of God, a sacrifice was provided annually on the Day of Atonement. Listen as Dr. John points to Jesus, our High Priest who alone is perfect and needs no sacrifice for sin. Rather, He becomes the sufficient sacrifice made once and made for all. 

A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on behalf of the people. They act as mediators between the human and Divine. It becomes readily obvious why Jesus is described as the Ultimate Priest. In this 10-mesage series, Dr. John walks us through Hebrews chapters 5-7 and describes the priestly office Jesus performs on our behalf. Listen, not just for understanding, but for praise and gratitude to Jesus who still serves on our behalf.