
Final Greetings

The True Christian

November 24, 2023 • Dr. John Neufeld • Colossians 4:7–18

The book of Colossians closes with a listing of those who supported and partnered with Paul in his ministry. Some of the names are familiar, while we shrug our shoulders at others. But every name is significant as a narrative of God's handiwork. Like names in a graveyard or those engraved on a cenotaph, these names have a story - even as our name has a story. Every story is a message about God's grace and glory. 

There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the fake from the authentic. The book of Colossians is aimed at understanding the real Jesus and being real Jesus followers. This series of messages by Dr. John Neufeld will clarify our beliefs and fortify our living of the truth in Jesus Christ.