
Showing Mercy

A Firm Grip on the Gospel

February 8, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Luke 6:37–42

Our society is quick to judge. We immediately label someone or some situation with a tag that sticks. Jesus commands us not to judge. We can't see people's motives nor the whole story. Dr. John reminds us of Jesus' words that it is hard to see with a log in our eye! Most of all, in place of judgement, we are to extend mercy. Just like God does with us.

Building a Life on Jesus

February 9, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Luke 6:43–49

Every life is built. The entrepreneur with all their ambition is building their life. So too the lazy individual who lets the days slip by, is building with their indecision. Today Dr. John speaks of the fruit, treasure and foundation for living. Only in Jesus will our lives blossom, contain lasting treasure and withstand the coming flood. Lives built for eternity.  Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week series, Dr. John Neufeld points us to the Gospel of Luke and traces the intent of the only Gentile writer of a New Testament book. 

Loving Your Enemies

February 7, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Luke 6:27–36

It is evident that loving our enemies is not the way of this world, nor the immediate default of those who follow Jesus. Still, that is what Jesus commands. Today in Dr. John's message, he teaches that this love can't be good intentions nor sentimental feelings. We love our enemies by doing good for them, blessing them, and praying for them. That's more than a Hallmark card. 

The Blessings and the Woes

February 6, 2024 • Dr. John Neufeld • Luke 6:20–26

Jesus begins this sermon with pronouncements of blessings and their corresponding woes. He offers these not as commands, but observations. Listen as Dr. John speak to the blessing upon those who live for God's Kingdom and the woes upon those who live for this world.