
Faith Put to the Test

July 24, 2024 • Pastor Marty Toepke-Floyd • Genesis 22:1–8, Hebrews 11:1, Genesis 18, Genesis 21

In this powerful exploration of Genesis 22:1-8, we delve into the challenging story of Abraham's test of faith. We're confronted with God's seemingly impossible demand for Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. This narrative forces us to grapple with difficult questions about faith, obedience, and the nature of God. As we reflect on Abraham's unwavering trust, we're reminded that our own faith may be tested in ways we don't expect. The story ultimately reveals God's mercy and provision, symbolized by the ram caught in the thicket. This timeless account encourages us to cultivate a deep, resilient faith that can withstand life's trials, always trusting that God will provide.

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