

Ps. Jon Heinrichs // October 3, 2021

October 3, 2021

It says in Jeremiah that the Word of God is like a Hammer! In this message, Ps. Jon explains how there are times in our lives when we need to stop and release the Word to bring breakthrough, healing and clarity in this crazy world.

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All of us have heroic engineering hidden within us. In this insightful message, Ps. Colin explains how God is the master at not only revealing the extraordinary things He has created us to be, but also at restoring us back into His heroic purpose. This is the time and we are the people who must come out of hiding and be His HEROIC Church!

The Upward Course

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Life from Death

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It is easy to forget that the entire message of the Bible is LIFE from death! Yes, death came to mankind in Eden, but LIFE CONQUERED death in a garden tomb! Don't miss out on this life-changing message from our Lead Pastor.