Greg Breazeale closes out our time in Ecclesiastes by summarizing the meaning and purpose of wisdom and who it ultimately points to.
Matt Blackwell closes out our time in Ecclesiastes by summarizing the meaning and purpose of wisdom and who it ultimately points to.
Halim Suh explores how Christians should respond to the uncertainty of our life and the certainty of our death.
Ross Lester explores the importance of making wise decisions and eliminating foolishness from our lives.
How should we make the most of our lives in light of eternity? Ross Lester explores wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes.
How should we make the most of our lives in light of eternity? Tyler David explores wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes.
How should we make the most of our lives in light of eternity? Will Bostian explores wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes.
How should we make the most of our lives in light of eternity? Matt Blackwell explores wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes.
How should we make the most of our lives in light of eternity? Josh Hunter explores wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes.
How should we make the most of our lives in light of eternity? John Yeng explores wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes.
Ross Lester examines how we should respond to modern governing authorities and politics while pursuing a joyful endurance.
Halim Suh explores a framework for how Christians should live under modern governing authorities and politics.
Tyler David explores a framework for how Christians should live under modern governing authorities and politics.
Jimmy McNeal examines the need for wisdom, the way to wisdom, and the limits of wisdom to reveal our hope in Jesus.