
Summer Psalms

I Love You Lord Because...

June 23, 2024 • Chad Jowers • Psalm 116

In this very personal gratitude psalm of great deliverance, we come back to the simple truth that God's grace has radically liberated us from death. The Gospel changes everything, and we are called to sing this with everything in our beings. No matter what stage of life we are in, if you are in Christ then you have been delivered. With that, our praise of deliverance should come forth in our public worship. But, how often do we truly live like this? If we are alive in Christ, then why are we still doing dead things? And how can we live like the psalmist giving daily outbursts of thanks to God's honor?  How does this psalm challenge the way you give thanks to the Lord? Where in your life can you give an outburst of praise to the Lord and honor Him?

From Dying to Dancing

June 16, 2024 • Everett Pollard • Psalm 30

Psalm 30 teaches that despite our moments of despair and sin, God's mercy endures forever. He transforms our despair into joy and reminds us of His care even in darkness. Our identity is secured through Christ, where we find true freedom to dance as His beloved children.

The Journey to Celebration

May 26, 2024 • Joe Parker • Psalm 123

Psalm 123 is one of 15 Psalms of Ascent, so named because God required his people to make the mountainous journey to his temple in Jerusalem three times a year. Psalms of Ascent were written to sing and were very communal, drawing God’s people together as they made their uphill journey toward the temple. Outside of whatever difficulties we face in attending church each Sunday, we really can’t compare the journey God’s people took to get to Jerusalem. However, something we do have in common is that we are all to take a journey toward God, whatever it may entail, to celebrate him.  But there was no laughter here, just real frustration in their voices; singing their cries for mercy as they walked. Let’s consider together how we can journey to celebration through the tension lamenting brings with looking and longing found in Psalm 123.