
Making Room

sermons on Christian hospitality

Share Your Circles

September 3, 2023 • Walter Henegar • Matthew 27:55–61

Joseph of Arimathea is the patron saint of sharing your circles—all the human networks that connect resources to needs. Even Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary," despite their apparent powerlessness, used their nonthreatening social status to become vital eyewitnesses to Jesus' resurrection. In the economy of God, grace is free and our participation is a gift, opening up limitless possibilities to be used by him for the good of the world.

Share Your Stuff

August 27, 2023 • Walter Henegar • Mark 10:17–31

Jesus loves rich people and wants everyone to be "rich"—so that we might share what we have with others. His interaction with a rich young man reveals that stuff is never just stuff, but sits right next to our hearts, often choking out the light of God's face. The only way to find the motivational thrust to release our stuff is by receiving the free grace of God, trusting that in him we have more than everything we need.

Share Your Table

August 20, 2023 • Walter Henegar • Luke 14:12–24

Jesus calls his disciples to share their tables with unlikely people, because it reflects the abundantly generous and aggressively inclusive heart of God. Resources Consulted: - A Liturgy for Feasting with Friends, from Every Moment Holy - How to Stay Married, by Harrison Scott Key - Making Room, by Christine Pohl - Living into Community, by Christine Pohl - Eat With Joy, Rachel Marie Stone

Share Your Burdens

August 13, 2023 • Walter Henegar • Mark 14:32–42

People who share the burdens of others must be willing to share their own. Jesus modeled this habit throughout his earthly ministry, especially in his agonizing night in the garden of Gethsemane. While his burden was utterly unique, Christians can follow his example by first sharing our burdens with our Father, then sharing some things with someone (not everything with everyone). And even when people fail us, we still need them. Resources Consulted: A Praying Life, by Paul Miller

Share Your Attention

August 6, 2023 • Walter Henegar • Mark 7:24–30

Attention is the most basic form of generosity. Jesus modeled this attentiveness in his unusual interaction with the Syrophoenician woman. Like her, we who know the gracious attention of Jesus are liberated from self-absorption to give our attention to others, even if only for a few minutes. Seen people see people. Resources consulted: - Making Room, Christine Pohl - Secular Creed, Rebecca McLaughlin