
Kingdom Mission

Standalone 2024

April 7, 2024 • Lloyd Kim • Acts 1:1–8

In this message Rev. Dr. Lloyd Kim, Coordinator for Mission to the World, challenges believers to heed Jesus’ calling to carry the Good News to the ends of the earth. But we can’t do it on our own. This calling requires a kingdom vision (an authentic relationship with Jesus), a kingdom mission (bigger than our personal transformation), and kingdom power (the indwelling Holy Spirit). What if God is calling YOU to do something different than what you are currently doing?

Rejoice in This

May 7, 2024 • Walter Henegar • Luke 10:17–24

Jesus draws a contrast between the intoxicating agony of ministry and the helpless wonder of salvation. It's not wrong to rejoice that Jesus is pleased to channel his power through us, but it is infinitely more awesome that he saves us at all. Ironically, those who rejoice in their salvation above all become more effective channels of his power. Walter preached this sermon for the opening worship service of Metro Atlanta Presbytery.

Confident Joy in Knowing Christ

May 5, 2024 • Austin Shadoan • Philippians 3:1–11

Joy is possible despite our circumstances because we know Christ and have an identity not based on our efforts but based on all that Christ has done. It is tempting to put our confidence in the value system of the world around us, but what Christ offers us is far superior than anything else we could ever possess. Our achievements or accolades cannot be the basis for our identity because ultimately God doesn't want you to impress him; he wants you to trust him.

What Does Jesus Want

April 28, 2024 • George Hamm • Mark 1:40–45

In this passage, we meet a man in crisis: His life has come apart, and he comes to Jesus for rescue. But he is afraid: even if Jesus can help him, would Jesus even want to? This story reveals Jesus as more than simply a miraculous healer, but also a compassionate God, who knows us better than we might suspect.