January 18, 2023 • Weldon Lemke
One of the ways to engage in prayer, see God work and be changed is to pray specifically. This means: 1) praying for fewer things, but lingering; 2) going beyond the surface; and 3) praying God's heart.
Jesus modeled this at the end of his life and if we want to participate in things that matter, this will be necessary for us.
Luke 5:16 tells us "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." How does this apply to us? What does it mean? Weldon explores three principles for reorienting ourselves that will help bring health to our souls.
Who do you imitate? How do you choose what to imitate? We are invited to follow, to imitate, Jesus. What exactly does this look like? Weldon examines how to see the life of Jesus by looking at the narratives in the gospels (the "black letters") and paying attention to the way Jesus lived, not just what he said.