


January 3, 2021 • Ken Gennicks, Senior Minister

Our Bible studies in 2019 were from Forgotten Old Testament Texts.

2020 was Gospel Stories: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

This year, in 2021, it’s The Gospel According to Paul, from Acts 8-28 and Paul’s letters: Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and possibly Hebrews. The Gospel According to Paul starts in Acts 9 on that famous Road to Damascus.

Even the great Apostle Peter acknowledged Paul’s letters contain some things that are hard to understand (2 Peter 3:16). But Sunday after Sunday, all year long, we’ll dig into this exhilarating Bible study together!

Because Acts 9 is proof positive that if God would want a guy like Saul, you can be confident God wants you! Like Saul, in spite of your past and in spite of your current weaknesses, your life can be full of victories for the Savior, thanks to His abounding grace!

WHAT DRIVES THIS CHURCH?, The Gospel According to Paul

January 24, 2021 • Gary Frank, Associate Minister

We're glad you are worshipping with us today! The theme of our Bible study this year is The Gospel According to Paul. Associate Minister Gary Frank will address WHAT DRIVES THIS CHURCH? _________ To learn more about our church family, copy & paste this link: https://athenschristianchurch.snappages.site/i-m-new To worship through giving of tithes or offerings, visit: https://athenschristianchurch.snappages.site/give We want to stay connected with http://you...please reach out to our Ministers or staff if there's something we can pray or assist you with! Church office number: (217)-636-8463.

THE ONE STOP SHOP, The Gospel According to Paul

January 31, 2021 • Shane Baker, Assoc. Minister

We're glad you are worshipping with us today! The theme of our Bible studies in 2021 is The Gospel According to Paul. Today, we spend our time looking at an important verse that Paul shared with Timothy - someone he was mentoring. ___________________ To learn more about our church family, click this link: https://athenschristianchurch.snappages.site/i-m-new To worship through giving of tithes or offerings, visit: https://athenschristianchurch.snappages.site/give We want to stay connected with http://you...please reach out to our Ministers or staff if there's something we can pray or assist you with! Church office number: (217)-636-8463.

WHAT DRIVES THIS CHURCH, The Gospel According to Paul

January 24, 2021 • Gary Frank, Associate Minister

We're glad you are worshipping with us today! The theme of our Bible study this year is The Gospel According to Paul. Associate Minister Gary Frank will address WHAT DRIVES THIS CHURCH? _________ To learn more about our church family, click this link: https://athenschristianchurch.snappages.site/i-m-new To worship through giving of tithes or offerings, visit: https://athenschristianchurch.snappages.site/give We want to stay connected with http://you...please reach out to our Ministers or staff if there's something we can pray or assist you with! Church office number: (217)-636-8463.