

1 Corinthians 15

May 26, 2019 • Andy Stanley

We all want to win. After all, winning is better than not winning. In a game a win is defined, but life is not a game. And winning in the most important areas of our lives isn’t always clear. So, how do we win?

Whose You Are

May 12, 2019 • Rev. Jennifer Williams

1 Samuel 1:8-18 Who are you? Lots of people and things in our lives try to speak into our identity, but how do we really answer the question? It’s difficult to know who we are until we know whose we are.

Rip the Roof

May 5, 2019 • Rev. Jennifer Williams

Luke 5:17-24 We celebrate what God did. We talk about what He’s going to do, but we often get stuck on figuring out where God is today. What are you willing to do for your friends to get to Jesus?