“LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.” (Habakkuk 3:2, NIV) SUNDAY – CONSISTENCY Ask God to help us be faithful and steadfast in prayer. MONDAY – REPENTANCE Pray to repent of our sins and seek God’s favor for ourselves, our families, and our nation. TUESDAY – INTERCESSION Pray for the Holy Spirit’s strength to persist in prayer. WEDNESDAY – EVANGELISM Pray for boldness to share the gospel with those who need Christ. THURSDAY – UNITY Pray that believers will be unified in love as we seek God together. FRIDAY – SPIRITUAL GIFTS Pray for the gifts of the Spirit to operate in our lives and in our churches. SATURDAY – RENEWAL Pray for a deeper desire to know Christ and experience the power of His Spirit in our lives.
Communication is a necessity, one that requires patience and practice to be effective. Prayer is the vehicle of communication that connects us with God. Pray for God's patience to practice it consistently in 2024. Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray: Ask God to help us be faithful and steadfast in prayer.
Repentance is a change in attitude and action away from self-centeredness to God-centeredness. Repentance produces a cleansing that helps us begin 2024 with clarity and comfort. Read: 2 Chronicles 7:14 Pray: Pray to repent of our sins and seek God’s favor for ourselves, our families, and our nation.
Praying for others alerts and allows God to intervene in the lives of people around us. Intercession invites us to make change in people's lives according to God's gracious and loving will. Read: Romans 8:26-27 Pray: Pray for the Holy Spirit’s strength to persist in prayer.
The answer to the issue of wars, divisions, and hate will never be resolved through nations, governments, or legislation. Only the transformational power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every persons life has the ability to transform the world forever. Read: Romans 1:16-17 Pray: Pray for boldness to share the gospel with those who need Christ.
Unity of community only happens when everyone is looking in the same direction. When we all look to Jesus first, we see everything and everyone from His perspective. Read: 1 Corinthians 1:10 Pray: Pray that believers will be unified in love as we seek God together.
God has created us as human being in His image and has given us skills and abilities to share with others. Allow God to develop and use the giftings He's given you to bless others in 2024. Read: 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 Pray: Pray for the gifts of the Spirit to operate in our lives and in our churches.
Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life. In Him alone is found the fulfillment that each human life longs for. The more you live your life to know Jesus, the more life Jesus will give you to live. Read: Romans 12:1-2 Pray: Pray for a deeper desire to know Christ and experience the power of His Spirit in our lives.