Caring for Those with Dementia and Alzheimer's

January 29, 2023 • Pastor Kathy La Point-Collup • Isaiah 1:17

Pastors: Kathy La Point-Collup and Brad Biggerstaff

Worship Leader: Monique Andrade

Musician: Fernanda Van Atta

Children’s Moment: Keri Gnecco

Audio Visual and Live Streaming: Chuk Campos and Patrick Epperson

Worship Slides: Alaina Harrison and Michele Rudd

Scripture Lesson: Isaiah 1:17 (New Revised Standard Version, updated version)

Silent Meditation: “Dementia does not rob someone of their dignity; it’s our reaction to them that does.” – Teepa Snow

You may wish to have a candle ready to light as we light the Christ candles in the Sanctuary.