
Gospel According to Star Wars

June 19, 2022 • Pastor Kathy La Point-Collup • Philippians 4:8–9

Pastor: Kathy La Point-Collup
Prayer Minister: Brad Biggerstaff
Worship Leader: Dick Crawford
Musician: Fernanda Van Atta
Children’s Moment: Pastor Kathy
Audio Visual and Live Streaming: Emily Gnecco and Tony Gnecco
Worship Slides: Michele Rudd and Alaina Harrison

Scripture Lesson: Philippians 4:8,9 (J.B. Phillips Translation)

Silent Meditation: When we take the “Star Wars” story and peel away all the special effects and all of the high-powered weapons and all of the technological marvels, what we discover at the very center of the story is a message of a single line: Only love can change another human being

You may wish to have a candle ready to light as we light the Christ candles in the Sanctuary.