Seaching the Scriptures - Premiere
Messiah’s Bloodline
November 14, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
The genealogy of Yeshua is vital prophetically in determining if Yeshua is in fact the prophesied Messiah. Matthew traces Yeshua’s bloodline back through Perez, the son of Tamar and Judah, to Israel, to Isaac, and to Abraham, the father of us all who live by faith. In this genealogical trace, Matthew demonstrates to his readers that Yeshua is the prophesied Messiah with the royal bloodline through the House of David. Matthew stresses that faith in Yeshua Messiah was crucial to the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel and for the salvation of the nations of the world.
YeHoVaH’s Mercy is Tested
October 31, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Moses was given Instructions, by YeHoVaH for Israel, to send particular individuals to search the land of Canaan. The response of many of the people, to the report of these individuals, demonstrated where they were in their faith. The outcome of their response tested the mercy and patience of YeHoVaH. In this study, we will see the proper and the improper way Believers should respond to YeHoVaH’s Instructions.
Yeshua, an Evildoer?
October 17, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Imagine a time when evil is considered good and good is considered evil. A time when religious men behave wickedly to preserve their way of life and rebel against the One who gave them life. A time when lies carry more weight than truth and the world seems more in tune with the Creator of the universe than those ordained to teach about the Creator. Those were the days of Yeshua. As Yeshua faces His final trial and is judged as having no fault, the religious establishment and its adherents have already determined the Messiah's guilt and punishment by death. This teaching will expose the hearts of men who hide behind the cloak of religion and view themselves as good, while accusing Yeshua of being an evildoer.
The 3rd Year Tithe - A Commandment of Caring and Compassion
September 26, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
YeHoVaH cares and He is compassionate. His plan has always been to provide for His people. YeHoVaH, before He made man, He made the provisions for man. YeHoVaH wants to make sure that His people reflect Him. That is, that we would be caring and be compassionate. So, the Almighty commanded in His word that the poor, the stranger, the foreigner, the alien, the widow, and the fatherless be cared for. In this Teaching, we're going to look at how that relates to us today. The important part of studying what Father spoke thousands of years ago is to apply it in our lives today.
The 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Tithe
September 19, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
YeHoVaH’s plan to bless His Creation and people is firmly established in Genesis and incorporated throughout Scripture. Financial Blessings, according to YeHoVaH’s Word, are tied to the Commandments pertaining to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year Tithes. In this Teaching, the Tithes are explained in a simple and methodical way that is easy to understand and follow. By applying the lessons learned from this Teaching, you will enjoy Father’s Blessings associated with Tithes and have the provisions to celebrate His Feasts.
The Cost of Truth
September 5, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Proverbs 23:23 states: Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. What is the cost of truth? Get the answer to this and other questions in this teaching. Your life and freedom is dependent on you knowing and understanding these answers.
Can You Stand to Be Blessed?
August 29, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
In a Nutshell: Persecution comes with the Blessings of YeHoVaH. Because of Isaac’s blessings, the Philistines envied Isaac and asked him to move away from them. In the meanwhile, they closed his wells and laid claim to the wells Isaac’s herdsmen dug. Ultimately, they wanted to make an alliance with Isaac because it was obvious they could not stop him because YeHoVaH’s favor was on Isaac. We must endure the persecution in order to enjoy the blessings. It’s like eating at the table YeHoVaH prepares before us in the presence of our enemies as David wrote in Psalm 23. YeHoVaH does not add sorrow to His blessings, but people will bring sorrow.
The Disciples Boot Camp Part 1
August 1, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Yeshua’s Disciples followed Him not fully knowing or understanding that they had been recruited personally by Him into the Kingdom of Heaven’s Boot Camp to be trained and prepared for Kingdom warfare as Kingdom citizens. For several months, they had followed Yeshua, listening to the messages He taught and preached to them and the masses. They saw firsthand the miraculous demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit manifesting through Yeshua. Now, they were about to be sent out to demonstrate the spiritual warfare they had been trained and prepared for. Yeshua expected His Disciples, then and now, to be prepared to exercise the training they received in Boot Camp.
Am I My Brother's Keeper? Part 1
July 18, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
The concept of brotherhood in Torah encompasses a spectrum of kinship including all those that serve YeHoVaH. The Torah underscores the responsibility one has to their brother, emphasizing the importance of protection, care, and preservation as outlined in the concept of "shamar." However, man can only watch, and his protection is limited. YeHoVaH is our Keeper and watches over us. Yeshua further elucidated the significance of righteousness by highlighting how we treat our brothers, emphasizing a duty to guard, attend to, and preserve the well-being of one another. Who is my Brother? “ For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:50)
The Believer’s Power Over Satan
July 11, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Yeshua demonstrated the authority and power He had over satan as a witness to those who followed Him. True Believers, who put their faith in YeHoVaH and follow the teachings of Yeshua the Messiah, have been given divine supernatural authority and power. However, having authority and power, and exercising it or walking in it are two different things. In this Teaching, we will witness Yeshua’s Instructions to the additional Disciples He sent out, other than the Apostles, and witness the warnings He issued for those who rejected the message He had given them. Yeshua’s message to the Disciples, and the authority He gave them, highlights the authority and power the Believers had then, and have now, over satan and the works of the demons under their command.
The Purpose of The Holy Spirit
July 4, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
As long as Messiah tarries, the world is getting further and further away from the Book. The only correction for the world is the One that YeHoVaH sent. The Holy Spirit is to cause us to focus, not on the man Yeshua, but on the purpose of why Yeshua came - to focus on what He DID and what He SAID. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. The Holy Spirit will show us things to come. The Word will purify and cleanse us, but only if we allow it. When you grow, changes come. Growth demands change.
Casting Out Unclean Spirits
June 27, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Unclean spirits are called by several names in the Old and New Testament Writings, i.e. devils, demons, evil spirits, etc. YeHoVaH gave specific Instructions for His people concerning unclean things, unclean spirits, and what to do to avoid them. Casting out unclean spirits was not a common practice in Israel before Yeshua’s Ministry nor is it a common practice today. One of the first miracles of Messiah’s Ministry was demonstrated by casting out an unclean spirit from a man in a Capernaum synagogue. In this teaching, we will examine the subject of unclean spirits, how to detect or recognize unclean spirits, and what to do to cast out unclean spirits according to the Instructions of the Messiah.
How to Overcome the devil
June 20, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
Yeshua understood the Power of YeHoVaH’s Law in defeating the devil. He did not quote a New Testament verse or passage, Yeshua quoted from the Law, the WORD of YeHoVaH! This teaching illustrates that by coming in agreement with the LAW, one could defeat the devil at every turn. The Law, by itself, without faith is useless. The Law, as the Word of YeHoVaH, must be lived. We must be a doer of the Word. This teaching concludes with vital Keys to Overcoming the devil.
True Prophets and false prophets
June 13, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
This Teaching gives vital information on how to recognize a True Prophet, how to recognize a false prophet, and ways to avoid being captivated by a false prophet. Though false prophets are hearing from a spirit, it is not the spirit of YeHoVaH!A prophet’s words must ALWAYS BE JUDGED. It is critical that we recognize our ability to hear directly from YeHoVaH and use the Gift of Discernment because by the time some people figure out if a person is a false prophet, the damage is already done. This Teaching concludes with keys to help us avoid being taken captive or brought under the influence of a spirit or a false prophet.
True Worshippers
June 6, 2024 • Arthur Bailey
The English word “worship” is first mentioned in the English Bible in Genesis. Worship involves serving. Worship involves bowing. Worship involves sacrifice. The difference between true worship and vain worship is truth. Vain worship involves following traditions. True worship involves following the Commandments of YeHoVaH. To worship YeHoVaH in spirit is to worship Him in mind, soul, and body in accordance with the truth. It is impossible to offer true worship unless you know the truth.