
Was Paul an Apostle?

1st Corinthians 9

May 4, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 9

Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian assembly, referred to as 1st Corinthians by theologians, was a response to concerns and questions the Brethren had dealing with issues they were experiencing as a newly formed community. Apparently, Paul’s Apostleship was being challenged or called into question by some in the community whereby Paul attempts to bring clarification or justification to his calling as an Apostle in order to put the matter to rest. 

Faith, Hope and Love

June 8, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 13

Speaking in tongues, the gift of prophecy, words of knowledge, faith, and other gifts of the Spirit are extremely essential to the individual Believer and the Body of Messiah as a whole. The manifestations of these gifts in the Assembly amongst the Believers assists, builds, heals, encourages and grows the set apart ones into maturity in faith in Messiah. Equally as important as the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit in the Assembly are Believers operating these gifts in love.

Spiritual Gifts & The Body of Messiah

June 1, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 12

Spiritual Gifts are given to the Body of Messiah for a variety of reasons. Without Spiritual Gifts, the Body of Messiah would be ineffective and unable to fulfill its mission and purpose on the earth. YeHoVaH enables the Believer to manifest and operate the gifts of the Spirit in accordance to His will. This teaching takes the mystery out of manifesting Spiritual Gifts and empowers the Body of Messiah with truth relevant in today’s times.

Head Covers and Communion?

May 25, 2024 • Arthur Bailey • 1 Corinthians 11

The wearing of head covers by men and women and the eating of the Lord’s supper or communion were topics the Corinthian assembly wanted Paul to address. This was based on their communication to him. Paul seemingly had insight and knowledge of what was going on amongst the Saints in Corinth. In this letter to them, he provided them with his own wisdom and Instructions he had received from the Lord Yeshua.