
January 9th - Day 9

Job 21-23

January 9, 2020 • Jim McCracken

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January 9th

In Job chapters 21,22,&23 God reveals the strategy of ambitious, self-righteous men. ...(we could say the strategy of hell). “They tell big lies. And they repeat them over and over and over again.” And though the false accusations of Job’s so-called friends were preposterous, completely absurd and contrary to Job’s nature, people throughout the region believed the lies rather than the plain truth about Job’s life. For years parents would tell their children to follow the example of Job’s relationship with God...and how that relationship demonstrated the showing of mercy and kind generosity to people of all walks of life. But then the lies about Job took on a life of their own and suddenly parents everywhere began to warn their children....”Look, kids, that huge sinner is finally getting what he deserves. Only real bad sinners suffer like Job is. Don't ever trust him.”

This passage also reveals the deep down convictions that Job had about his suffering...#1 God was the one doing the trying of Job’s faith...and #2 When God was through, Job would come out as gold.” (See if you can find some other convictions that Job had about his trials in today’s reading).

And how does this reading relate to the good news of God in and through Christ?
“O that I knew where to find God...”Job cried in his suffering”....” yet, I am terrified at his presence...I am in dread of Him.”

Where do we find God? Is there a place between heaven and earth where we might find Him and not just be totally terrified? Let me suggest “At the Cross...At the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away. It was thereby faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day.”

See you at the cross...