DNA Questions: Genesis 33
-What stands out to you the most in this part of the story? Why?
-What does this section teach us about the way God works?
-What does Jacob mean when he tells Esau that seeing his face was like seeing the face of God?
-How does this story of reconciliation resonate with you? Are there relationships in your life that you desire healing? How does this story encourage you?
-What would it look like for us to "bow ourselves to the ground seven times" before entering into a difficult conflict / relationship?
-How does the gospel prepare us for such an interaction?
-Believing you are beloved of God how could you begin to move closer to a difficult relationship this week?
-Believing you are beloved of God how could you respond to conflict differently than you normally do?
-What are the gospel conversations that need to be had with those around you at home, work, school, or play?