
January 14th - Day 14

Job 38-39

January 14, 2020 • Jim McCracken

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January 14th

Our Bible reading today is Job chapters 38,39. It may be short, but no less revealing.

After months, maybe close to a year, per some commentators, all Job wanted was a hearing with God. Well, he was about to get the whole load.

God was about to reveal the magnificent mysteries of creation. And since man (in particular, Job and his three outspoken friends) understood so little of God’s will and work of creation, how could “they” claim to understand God’s ways in reference to Job’s trial?

Job had silenced his friends but didn't convince them. Elihu silenced Job, but didn't humble him. Now it pleased God to step into the conversation...and begin to bring Job right where He wanted him.

“Note the prInciple of God’s timing.”

It seems as though God could have interposed so much sooner in Job’s severe trial. But He didn't. I remember a verse at the end of Isaiah 60...”I am God...At the right time, I will make it happen.”...God’s message through the prophet to the children of Israel...”There is coming a day when the sun will never go down and the moon will never fade...for the Lord will be your everlasting light. There is coming a day when all of your mourning will be over. All of your people will be righteous and you will possess the land forever....(referring to the future new heaven and new earth with God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.) And the message is finished with....”I am God...and at the right time I will make it happen.”

Much suffering would take place in Israel from Isaiah’s prophecy to today...but God’s time for deliverance of His faithful people (Jew and Gentile) is not yet...When it is right, God will make it happen.

Doesn't it seem to us that God could have stepped in for the sake of Job much sooner, and taught he and his friends the true wisdom of God earlier? But He didn't. There was a more perfect time for Him to make that happen. They would need to trust Him.

I'm reminded of the Apostle Paul’s message to the church in Galatia...

Galatians 4:4-7 ESV

“4 But when the “fullness of time had come” (When the time was right...when the time was perfect...), God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the (curse) of the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son/a daughter...then an heir through God.”

There was a right time for God to intervene and speak to Job. And that was good.

But one more time we are reminded that there was something awesomely better...There was a “perfect time” for God to send His Son to save us...and He made it happen!

Thanks, Lord and thanks for Your Word that inspires and encourages us to do life together with You for another glorious day.

Enjoy the rest of the story.