
She Has Done What She Could

June 16, 2013 • Jon Paul Dennison

The turning point of all of history was days away. Jesus, the Passover Lamb, would have his body, the unleavened bread, broken for our sins. While in Bethany, Mary (Martha’s sister) prepares Jesus for burial in advance by pouring an outrageous amount of expensive perfume over his head. Judas, along with other onlookers, condemn her for the waste. But how could preparing the God of the universe for the most important event in all of history be a waste, even if it cost a year of wages?

Additional Scripture References:

Exodus 4:21, 11:4, 11:9-10, 12:12-13, 12:17-18, 12:29-31, 12:37-39; Matthew 26:1-13; John 11:45-12:8