
Set Apart (Part 1)

1 Peter 1:13

September 3, 2017 • Jon Paul Dennison

In a world full of false narratives, Peter exhorts believers to be sober-minded and set our hope fully on the grace of God in Christ. This is a necessary prerequisite for us to be sanctified and grow in holiness.

Study Questions:

1. What things stuck out to you from this text? Is there anything in this text that challenges you?

2. Why is it crucial that Peter reminds these believers that their salvation is fully a work of God as he transitions to calling them to sanctification?

3. What false narratives exist in our world today? How do you see being primarily emotionally-minded a problem in light of that?

4. In what ways do we tend to supersede THE truth with OUR truth? What overlaps and what doesn't?

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