
January 15th - Day 15

Job 40-42

January 15, 2020 • Jim McCracken

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January 15th

We have come to the end of the biblical record of the patriarch Job... as found in the book by his name...Job Chapters 40,41,42.

We need to note some important God activity.

#1. God is straight forward about sin, especially in the lives of His faithful people. (People who trust in Him for their eternal salvation are His salt and light in the world. In The Lord, we influence others to believe and show the way in the darkness toward real-life...unconfessed sin only hinders that influence...that path showing.)

God told satan that Job was a righteous man, upright in all his ways. And, God told satan that Job would worship God for nothing. Early on in Job’s trial period, he proved God’s case very well. But after months and months of physical suffering, Job’s faith in God was shaken (not broken) and he began to question God and accuse God of wrong. And now it was God’s turn to speak. “

“Shall a “fault-finder” contend with the Almighty God? He who argues with God, let him answer it.” “ (So Job, You are now a man who argues with God...finding fault with God and His ways...)

“Will you even put me in the wrong? Will you condemn me and put yourself in the right?”
(So Job, you who championed my purposes for years, now you curse me?)

Perhaps Job had forgotten his angry outbursts at God. But God reminded him of his offenses and guilt...He humbled Job to the innermost part of his heart. (God doesn't play around with our sinning. He wants to get us to repentance... where God’s blessing flows.)

And that brings us to the second revelation of God that we need to hang onto.

#2. God responds with mercy and strength toward the repentant...Job confessed to God that he was wrong to disrespect and condemn the Almighty...”I was a man without knowledge....speaking without understanding...I heard of you with my ears, but now I have seen you with my eyes...therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”

Then what did God do?

He blessed Job with His trust...(Don't you know that Job wondered if God would ever trust him again?) He gave Job a great responsibility...to work with God in helping his three friends to get right with God...first he would forgive them for their hurtful accusations toward him...and then he could pray for them, for an outpouring of God’s mercy and grace...

And what else did God do upon Job’s sincere repentance for speaking and acting like he was God? God not only restored Job back to his wanted health but He..., well that’s the rest of the story...Job was once again under the spout where the glory comes out.

Great ending...but it pales in the light of what God does for those who change their minds and begin to believe Jesus...when He says, Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near you....saying: It’s me...follow me and I will forgive your sins and give you everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven....both now and forever!

Friends Have a great rest of your day.