
January 13th - Day 13

Job 35-37

January 13, 2020 • Jim McCracken

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January 13

Our Bible reading today is Job 35,36,37.

The young messenger, Elihu, in 6 chapters and three distinct speeches, was passionate, to say the least.

In his heart, he believed that the three friends of Job were wrong. “Suffering is not the proof of wickedness, but rather the proof of God being up to something in the life of that person and family.”

And Job had been wrong too. “Suffering in the life of those rightly related to God by faith was not the proof of an Almighty God simply wielding His random will without rhyme or reason.....or, that it was a sign of enmity with God. But instead, that particular suffering was a proof of God’s love...His grace for transforming a heart and life toward God at a new level.

Continuing in the text...Elihu’s words seem harsh at times. Listen to these stinging words to Job from young Elihu...” Will your wealth keep you from distress? Will all the force of your strength keep you from suffering?".., “ “turn from your wickedness...that is, from the vice of complaining against God...and start learning from your affliction” Job 36 ...Wow, some hard words...but necessary.

At the same time, Elihu’s words were full of substance. For instance, in Job 33, Elihu says, “God speaks to man in two ways."

He speaks through dreams and suffering....And, that suffering was for man’s good...not to punish him, but to save him...from pitfalls and judgment. Praise God for that...it reminds us of the Apostle Paul’s message in Romans 8:28...”For all things work together for good for those who love God..”

Another way we can know that Elihu’s words were in harmony with God’s work and will...read ahead to the last chapter and see where Job “repented” before God for his prideful questioning of God after Elihu’s exhortation to that end.

Early on in my Christian life, as a 19 yr old college sophomore, I was encouraged by my pastor, Paul Burleson, to get in the Word and stay in the Word. And I was taught from scripture that the Holy Spirit, (who indwelled me from the day of my conversion to Christ), that same Holy Spirit would infill me with the very life, love, and light of Christ and would always guide me into the truth. So, I would and still to this day, read the Bible anticipating the Spirit to point me to Christ (who is the truth) in those pages and help me to understand The will of God and empower me to live in harmony with the Lord.

So you ask me, “Jim, what do you see of Jesus in Elihu’s last speech to Job?” Well, I see and hear Jesus speaking to Nicodemus. Elihu had a hard message and he delivered it, trusting God with the result. Jesus told an enquiring Jewish religious leader, who had accumulated all the religious merit badges and community appreciation plaques that were offered and earned over years of a religious journey that took him to the top...leadership of the Sanhedrin....and Jesus told him that all those medals meant nothing with God...only a faith relationship with Jesus Christ would do...” the Son of Man must be lifted up and he that believes Him will have eternal life.” In other words, You must be born again...this time spiritually.

That’s a hard message for someone who was counting on all that he had done to get him into God’s favor. And Jesus left the result with the Father.

Elihu was telling the truth. Jesus was and ever will be the truth of eternal life. Jesus is always better.